Monday, July 9, 2012


I like the way the Italian word for July is pronounced. "Lew-lio." It has a certain ring to it. It's July 9 today, meaning this month is more or less a third of the way done. That's crazy! In the past nine days, I've registered for a one-month intensive language & culture course for the C1 level, helped my friends, Bridget and Claire, from Grand Valley get adjusted to Perugia, made new friends, found a new place to live, met new professors, had fun during Umbria Jazz in Perugia, traveled just outside of Florence, visited the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and spent a day in the very spiritual city of Assisi. Italy has so much to offer. I'm thrilled that I get to be here for a while!

I'm about a week into my classes now. As I expected, all of my professors (minus 1) are different this time around. Fortunately, almost all of them are fantastic! There are two that leave a little to be desired, but...let's just leave that there. In the intensive C1-level there are about 13 students that are all in the same classes. I really like that, because I think it gives us quite a lot of time to get to know each other (especially when we're in class together for 30 hours a week).

Since my last post, I can add the following to our list of countries represented here in Perugia: Guatemala, Greece, Australia, Kazakhstan, Croatia, India, Vietnam, New Zealand, and Argentina. Hopefully this list grows more by the end of the month! More on the trips to come soon!